Psychology and Philosophy

The Department offers a rich variety of courses that mirror the breadth of the discipline of psychology. Prospective students: Set up a classroom visit :

Mission Statement

We provide opportunities for students to study the domains of psychology and develop a skill set that includes critical and creative thinking, ethical reasoning, effective communication, collaborative engagement, and the use of the scientific method.  We also seek to engage students in transformative learning opportunities such that our graduates will embrace diversity as lifelong learners and socially responsible citizens of the commonwealth, the country and the world.

Learning Objective 1:  Broad knowledge of Psychology

The student will demonstrate their acquisition of knowledge about the science of psychology in each of the following domains:  research methodology, biopsychology, learning and cognition, developmental psychology, sociocultural psychology, and clinical psychology.   

 Learning Objective 2:  Writing

The student will write an APA compliant paper that fulfills a prompt from a writing intensive psychology course.

Learning Objective 3:  Ethics

The student will demonstrate knowledge of ethical principles and ethical reasoning.  

Learning Objective 4:  Professional Readiness

The student will demonstrate knowledge and skills about ways to collaborate effectively on a team project as one facet of their readiness to function in a professional context. 

Learning Objective 5:  Research Methodology

The student will demonstrate their knowledge and skill designing and interpreting research that address a question relevant to psychology.

Our Programs